About Qualix

Qualix was founded in 2020 by Dorian Quael as a one man company in Germany. His vision is offering professional quality audio engineering services independently and worldwide for fair prices. Dorian grew up being surrounded by classic rock music from time to time, coming from his father who was (and still is!) a dedicated fan of record players and vinyl.
Dorian developed his own interest in music when he was around 14 years old and got into bands like Metallica, Linkin Park and Slipknot. Influenced by these bands he started learning to play the bass guitar and began to discover his love for music, learning to play cover songs ranging from pop rock to death metal. A bit later he switched over to guitar to get more creative and started to write his own songs, which found their place in his band. He went further and discovered electronic music production within a DAW and was soon being confronted with mixing.

He realized that mixing is complicated and not easy to learn, so he focused more on his creativity and song writing. Around this time Dorian finished school and started to study at the university, but he felt over time that he wasn’t doing the right thing. After a few years of halfhearted studying and jobbing he realized that the thing he really wants to do is what he was doing the whole time in his leisure time: music. From there, things were looking up pretty fast. Looking for different types of jobs in the music industry Dorian got really interested in audio engineering and started his education at “Marburg Records Tonstudio” to become a certified audio engineer after two years of full time field experience.
During this time he emerged as a very adaptive mixing engineer, working on many different genres. Shortly he started working as a freelancer on fiverr and was growing very fast, gaining crucial experience by finishing more than 100 projects with completely satisfied customers. Based on that, he was planning to start his very own company and a little bit later Qualix was founded!